Selection - 1957
Selection - 1957
The subjects in this set are similar to those in the previous set, with family, friends, and landscapes being prominently featured. However, this group also introduces a category I would describe as unusual or unique, highlighted by a fishbowl lens effect that turns the image of the castle upside down (image 4) and a few other distinctive images that I'll mention shortly.
In this set, we encounter a series of photos featuring "Onorevole Giuseppe Cappelleri," who was married to Baroness Verneau, possibly the largest landowner in the area. Since they couldn't have children, their niece, Kitty Verneau, pictured in image 7, lived with them and assisted in managing the estate. Following this, there are images of three men engaged in a task (image 9) and subsequent portraits. We also see my sister dressed in her Carnevale (Halloween) costume (image 12) and a picture of the Byzantine church at Stilo.
Among the unusual and unique images, there's a photograph of a rolled-over car (image 26), a portrait of Felice, the blind sacristan, along with other visually interesting characters (images 39 and 44). The series concludes with another view of the Carafa Castle from a different angle (image 46).
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