The Exhibit

After sharing a passion for photography with my father, Nicola Toscano, I naturally became the custodian of his collection of negatives upon his death. For over thirty years, I have carefully preserved these images and although I had never put them to use, I was constantly aware of their value. Today these photographs have acquired a historical dimension and the ongoing progress of time has transformed this collection into a true cultural treasure.

Reducing the collection from eleven hundred images to a manageable size for an exhibit required much time and patience. Initially, I reduced the number of negatives to about three hundred, and finally I selected 51 of those that are presented below. This multi-layered collection includes family snapshots, portraits of ordinary people and locally known figures, landscapes, local events of the time, and other themes. For the exhibit, it seemed essential to offer a cross-sectional overview of all these layers.

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The Exhibit